I gotta walk all the way in to reach the Orchid Garden, only paid student price at 2 or 3 bucks.If i'm not wrong, but majority are dendrobium, oncidiums and vandaceous orchids planted to be fully expose to sunlight. Deeper in, is the Mist House, with high humidity and slight shading for the cross vandaceous and phal breeds. Its damn humid inside...My fav. spot is the Cool House, slightly air conditioned and with high moisture for temperate climate plants.

Smurf gave me a wonderful treat to celeb our 5th year at Wheelock's Sun with Moon japanese restaurant. Everything is great from its ambience, food and service. Of cos, its very much more expensive than Ichiban's but worth it. The yakisoba and asst sushi is one of the best i've ever tasted, definitely i'll be back there someday. =)

Actually this is my first time attending a fren's wedding and i'm given a last minute role. Supposingly i've to usher the guests to their respective seats but on top of this i have to 'serve' tea to the newly weds during the ceremony! I was damn kancheong, cos everything is glassware from the tray, the teapot and 2 tiny teacups. The moment the emcee announced for the tea ceremony to commence, i have to walk out steadily to the groom so that he'll pour a cup of tea to his bride and vice versa. Piang! Very short 5 min plus, but it feels like forever, i can be clumsy at times, i cant afford to break anything man! haha. heng, everything went perfect! =D

My bestest fren Jo gave me a treat at Kbox Marina right after work, it seemed to be a long time i last been to a ktv. Perhaps the next will be jus before the sch term starts..

Decided to visit the National Museum since its renovation was completed for sometime. Kinda sick of the shopping malls in sg, all lookalikes..anyway it was a memorable experience at the museum. The entrance fee is only 5 bucks for NSmen/Students and 10 bucks for adults. Even if u cheat, no one knows cos its a self ticketing machine! For every gallery you enter, jus slight the ticket on the reader, similar to those entries in the MRT station. The above 'Companion' audio set is given before i entered the Singapore History gallery, just press watever number you see on the floor while walking to your desired section, you can get to listen to a full introduction or see a short summary on the item you're looking at. Real cool and easy to use. Best for people who like things in their own pace, like myself.

Not only you get to enjoy visual and audio effects, the Food gallery at the museum brings you back to history to enrich yourself with the kinda food the early days have and the also u get to 'smell' the variety of spices used. My favourite section is the Fashion gallery, collectibles of clothings and fabrics used those days way back in the 50s.

Met up with uncle Siewteck for lunch, its been like 4 years since we met up. To compliment my effort for making a trip down, he gave me a nice treat. Muahahah! This mth is a mth of sweet treats, and its all food, yeah food makes me happy!