Been rather busy lately and i'm lazy to blog...=x
Let's set a list of resolutions to fulfil in the yr 06, mid yr is approaching and i hardly set any goals.
What comes to my mind?
I wanna be a level 40 cleric so that i can look better in this outfit...and certainly more powerful..=p Of cos, i wan to reach lvl 100 and be the strongest holy mage.

A screenshot of the my most spectacular moment..wahhahaa

Nah...get real!
Life deserves more than jus the above. MapleStory indeed is great pastime to destress esp when i'm feeling shagged or emotionally down simply by smashing any mobs tat crosses my path. Just like the way of life, we must not be put down by any challenges ahead but rather stay strong, fight on and victory is in ur hands. There are many things which i've failed to achieve since last yr or more than a yr back.
Talk abt my mthly 4D meetings, i'm always not there. Its only held once a month and i admit i hesitate to go, reason being, i'm too lazy or just that i'm deprived of shopping leisure. I compensate by appearing for 3.16mtg and any YWD meetings on weekdays if possible. Hopeless me...darn..i feel embarressed blogging abt this..but if i dont, it seemed tt i'm running from reality..
A reminder can be a form of improvement. Yes! i can do it! =D
I complained if things dont turn out well and slack if everything falls into place. Perhaps this is a human's mind. I dont believe if u think likewise. Else you aint a human.
So wat are my resolutions?
Long term goals..
1)Attend all 4D meetings and strive for kosen rufu.
2)Shakubuku smurf..LOLZ
3)All YWD leaders shall be my role model.
4)Fight for absolute happiness and acc more good fortune.
5)Study hard so that i wont be looked down upon by Fatso. *hmpf*
6)Die die must wear a 'square shaped' hat 3 yrs from now.
Short term goals..
1)Get a pair of papillos
2)More wardrobe is drying up!
3)Put on alittle bit of weight..
4)Look prettier...WAAHAHAHHAHA