
Sunday, October 15, 2006

Sun or Moon?

I'm sure most of you were told not to stare directly at the sun no matter at wat time of the day. Now is your chance!! The sun looks like a moon..jus more reddish looking. Thanks to our lovely neighbour Indonesia! The stupid haze they're causing is irritating my eyes...polluting my respiratory system...aggravating my ecezma spots! Argh! its killing me! =S

So e best thing that anyone in e right mind will do is to stay indoor..which somehow leads me to window shop more. (not good cos i'll throw away my $$$) hmmmm...there i came across this nice sweet looking pink heels at Gripz. Aawwwww~ delicious.
Sad to say...i've got no luck. Whenever i see nice sweet looking stuff..its always SOLD OUT! Same for e violet bra i'm eyeing on at CK's...SOLD OUT! Mind you, they aint gonna repeat e stock.

dARN Wat the heck e world is doing?!?!

*i hope that sg women will increase in size* MUAAAAHHHHAAAAHH!


At 9:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

relax gal...i almost kill the gripz pple when they told me i cant get my red heels..hengz they call me to tell me enough pple requested 4 them to make again..n i rush down so fast juz to grab mine even though its reserved...juz leave ur name with them..they may remake ...^_^

At 3:30 PM , Blogger chii~ said...

u sure anot? everytime i ask if they got repeat ..i'll get e same shit...'sorry sold out no repeat.' alamak! i give up.

At 4:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

which outlet u go to? i went to far east 1..the sales pple very nice to me leh...

At 10:17 PM , Blogger chii~ said...

hmm...i went to marina sq, sales pple there also not bad. each time i go far east i see different faces one. But i dint bother to ask if can repeat stock cos i noe i always get e same ans. haizzz.. maybe this week i'll try again. lolz!


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