
Sunday, September 03, 2006

i am soooooo BUSY....

Esp this period, i'll be complaining over again the same whole thing... I am busy~ all e tests...assignments...grp projs...piling up..
the best is all due ard at e same time! die loh! =s
i wish i can have more than 24 hrs a day...gimme 50hrs bah...extra 2hrs for sleep. hehe.

so busy with all these nonsense.. i had absolutely no time to go out..to do my fav retail therapy..muaaahhaa..nor to sit down to paint my nails..lolz
eventually..blogging as become a dread.~ and i wld rather let e day pass on silently rather then to jot it down. yupz..

haiz...when can i ever get a break? i need a breather!~

what's this??
Updates at Makanguru!!


At 12:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

oooh i like the pix! like so 60s like that. LOL

At 6:12 PM , Blogger chii~ said...

haha..realli ar?
i jus anyhow snap it with my hp cam..lolz


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