The Big Spender
Others might say i'm splurging unneccessarily. Yeah. They're right but wrong in some ways. To be honest, i can splurge like close to $200 in a week. I dont know how i can do tat but my cash somehow leaks out from my wallet. Its time to control a little..
Last week was a good week. =) Met up with Michelle on Monday and we had dim sum for lunch..*tasty*I hate close up shots.. my face looks bloated.
Still not enough..we ordered somemore. =p
The first time in my life i ate a piece of 'feng jiao'. (Chicken feet) Why must they (whoever) named it 'Feng Jiao' and not 'Ji Jiao'? Phoenix feet sounds nicer i guess..
Went for a haircut on hair sux..machiam like an auntie.This is the best opportunity to take a snap of myself when my hair looks best. *i know i'm one 'zi lian kuang'* Not much diff from e least i look much neater. =)
Best brother Yang treat me to kbox on Thursday..heeez! Another day to enjoy! *easily mistaken as couple..LOLZ.*
Pop down to chinasquare with ah gal,Waiyan.Long time to see...must take pic~.
dont ask me why i'm always on the right side of every pic..muaahaaha!
take more shots while i can cos i dont often come down..
This is an interesting shot. Why main doors in e past have a wooden board or sth (i dunno what they call that)? Practically,I think its to prevent water from seeping in during monsoon season. A superstitious belief is to keep wandering spirits away.. cos they're blocked by this wooden board. O_o'''
Have been spending $$ this,shop.enjoy when i'm jobless. WHAT A TERRIBLE THING TO DO?!?! Bo bianzzz...Well, I dont spend unneccesarily but for the sake of my friends okay! =ppp
Just bought another antique kebaya on Saturday at Kim Choo's. Love at first sight again...cos i cant resist it's beauty and i'll regret if i dont buy it. haha. Antique pieces are one of a kind and you wont see it anymore in a hundred yrs..Vintage kebayas uses England Rubiah cloth and embroided with German thread. You cant see this in modern pieces no matter how exquisite they look..they still lose out to vintage ones. Good stuff. From today i shall start collecting..when i have enough $$ of cos.
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