
Monday, May 15, 2006

crazy updates!

Yooohooo! Alas..i changed my template and best viewed with Mozilla Firefox so tt u can see its 'transparent effect'. Exams are over and i have all the time in the world (as for now)..

Exams sux, not only the pre-exam effect but the post-exam effect as well. My last paper screwed so i jus gotta XXX my fingers tt i'll get thru this ordeal. =s
Becos of exams.. i'm lazy to get outta hse for dinner..so i'll make it with a just a dumpling..

haha, here are some crazy shots we took in the school toilet..LOLZ. An effective way to relieve stress!

Hengz nobody was around at that time...=p

Straight after the last paper on Monday, we went for a shopping spree at suntec.(to buy gifts)Me and Jas accompany Clarice to get a bday gift for her bf and i had to get mine too..So wat she's got?

Woot! A $109 aqua blue shirt from Raoul! I dint get to take a pic of it cos it was wrapped up.

We took this at Gelare Suntec. Lurve this pic, my face dont look FAT. =p

Met up with Josie at bugis on Tuesday for lunch..heez i've prepared her belated bday gift..Looks simple but full of surprises!

Lets see how she reacted tat day..darn funny~

Lunch at Terracafe...$10 ++ for set lunch..consists of..

Last week's schedule was fully packed..Wednesday met up with the gals Clarice and Jas for ktv session at Kbox. Didnt managed to take any pics cos i'm lazy to..lolz..its been ages since i last visited a ktv..haha ..Alittle 'sua ku' tat day..cos i dunno how to select songs. =p Anyway we really enjoyed ourselves~

Thursday and Friday also fully packed...met up with Aidan on thursday and Friday i was at Smurf's place for dinner. Talk abt smurf...he resembles one artiste whom i quite admire..tat is ..

JJ LIN!!!!


You think so? I dint noticed it at first till a fren told me abt it and some others feel tt he resembles a little. lolz


At 10:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL..now that u mention he did really look abit like JJ. :)

At 11:35 PM , Blogger chii~ said...

hahaha..u think so too? LOLz...

At 2:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey gal, u look great with your poses. pose for my clothes bah. LOL. ^_^


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