
Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Sometimes it's better to talk less or be less expressive over certain issues which are redundant.

When i was a kid, i gibbered alot. There was once i said nonsensical stuff to an adult and he complained to my parents. Of cos, i got reprimanded the entire day. What a GOONZ!

That was when i learnt to talk less...less trouble for me. Because of this habit which accumulate over the years, i fail to relate my thoughts to others thus bottling all up. Recently there was some miscommunication gg on in my life, it all started with me. (again..) being unable to communicate.

Haizz..let it be~

Life will be good if i can do something therapeutic like a blind shopping spree or a gg on a sinful diet. Yeah~ but not always.



At 2:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey u take after ur parents. coz they reprimanded u the whole day. ^_^

At 8:58 PM , Blogger chii~ said...

huh? got meh? jus becos they reprimanded me? lolz


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