A hAppEning wEekenD!
Instead of hopping down town on sats..i was at Geraldine's bbq party at Aranda Country Club. What i've got for her??L'Occitane Shea butter package..consist of shampoo,conditioner,shower gel and body lotion. The original ribbon looks ugly so i changed it to a gold ribbon..heez..nice rite?
This is my 2nd time attending a bbq party. Yeah, only twice in my entire life cos i dun quite like bbq..the smoky air makes you a stink bomb in less than 10mins and bbq stuff makes my throat sick.. But it was a fun experience though!
i've got myself hook up in collecting more vintage kebayas..this is another piece which attracted me with its elaborate embroidery and the uncommon lilac colour.
If you noticed a yellow patch,nothing wrong with the fabric but its the poor quality of my hp cam. =s
met up with Natalie and Shilei for the SD Concert 2006 on sunday..Woot!! i lurve it sooo much and its the best performance that SD has given me. The spirit of youth energy filled the air and everyone is thrown in e state of ecstacy. Screams of 'wOOoo!!!' and 'ArrrRRR!!!' built up the atmosphere. Despite the whole hall seems packed like there isnt any good seats, we are soooo fortunate to get the first row!
*Jie..wasted u dint join in*
Sadly, i cant take pics cos no photography is allowed. Anyway i dun have a digicam with me so i cant take any quality images. But managed to snap some with my hp cam...(lousy shots)
The last performance sent me to cloud 9 when saw them..........
......with their guitars of cos.The guy in white tee..is very cute!! i jus cant take my eyes off him! 0_o''' the stripped one on the right is said to look like Sylvester Sim.LOLZ.
hmmm..to my disappointment, they failed to impress me. When the crowd goes 'encore!' i was like....'ahem'..is there a need to? I may sound a little mean here but yeah...maybe my expectations are high. I'm not a pro but I grew up listening to Bad Company, Deep Purple,The Beatles,Shadows,Eagles..blah blah~ so i tend to compare abit..Anyway, thumbs up to the base guitarist..he did a great job, as for the lead guitarist..eh..guess either his cable or amplifier isnt working. =/ Well,they tried their best and they give me the inspiration to polish my lousy skills asap.
This is my favorite pic...so heartwarming! Everyone cheered and sang the SD song Young Eagles with e audience..really cool~
I felt joyful during the concert, the surprises SD has brought me and the memories when i performed for TMC Youth General Meeting 05 in January. Given the chance i wld rather be the performer cos it feels like you own the entire stage. The feeling is just GREAT!
i am day dreaming.......
***may there be a day i'll be on stage with my guitar...wow..cool isnt it? =pPp*
*i'm thinking too much*
Haha. heard the sat 1 was better though. Oh yeah, though I dint go, u know hor the emcee kelvin is in our chpt. keke. btw u sign up 4 the jul exhibition guide never tell me. :)
oh..no wonder i find him sooooo familiar...=p paisehz.. i forgot to tell u abt e july exhibit..cos i also not sure whether can commit anot leh..my timetable not fixed one. =x
LOL. Try and c if can squeeze in time bah coz I saw the exhibit and was really impressed with the quality of the pictures. It makes it worthwhile to be a guide. ^_^
haha. of cos! i bought e peace tee shirt leh..must show off..MUAAHAAAHA
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