
Monday, October 02, 2006

am i struggling here?

Too many things piling up in my mind. Anyway, I'm a poor organiser of emotional stuff, it keeps overlapping till i dont know where to start.

I'm in a middle of a crossroad and i'm thinking of the best road to move on. But i know either way is not afterall the 'BEST' route to take. I shall'nt decide my fate cos even if i shd succeed, it may not end well. So? Just let fate decide for me.

History repeats itself again. This is the '?' time.I try not to reveal unneccessarily lest i'll invite more trouble and dissappointment. I need to talk to someone who truly understands me. Prolly i'll catch some advice. Yah. i knoe who to approach. You'll hear from me soon.


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