
Sunday, October 01, 2006

Skyromance@The Jewel Box

Mid Autumn Fest is approaching..its been years ever since i last celeb such an event.To "celebrate" (in my definition) is to light up lanterns, playing with XXXXX (sparks or sparkles..4got wat its called) and munch on gigantic size baked mooncakes.

Looks darn nice rite?

Something special at The Jewel Box @ Mount Faber! They have e "SkyRomance Mid Autumn" promo for two at $38+++ inclusive of 4 mini mooncakes, 1 greentea and 3 lotus flavour plus an Oolong tea set. On the actual day will be $68+++....everything e same except one extra pomelo is added + some games. Siao! I pay $30 for a pomelo? No way~!

The entrance of Jewelbox looks classic and i expected e ride will be e same as e piccy above. Haizzzz... can i sue them for Misrepresentation? LOLZ...
Imagine if taking e ride at nite..with a dining table infront..likedat onli nia! I thought wat soooo special except for e lovely nite scene and e romantic atmosphere.Hmm, abit dissappointed when i saw e whole setting..

I couldnt take any pics cos it was nearly complete darkness for me to see wats on my table. Let me describe, there's a mini table lamp which doesnt seemed to emit any light. A plate of 4 mini 'sundried' mooncakes. Yea....its dry and cakey.. a chinese tea set which i've no idea how to use it correctly. By right you should wash e cups with e 1st round of tea and blah blah..some steps involved.. but heck it, i jus soak e leaves in.

Since i cant see properly..our table was a complete mess. =p

Terrible isnt it?

But it wasnt tat bad lah....2 full rides took nearly an hr. I wished time could stop moving and let e nite scene moved by. I wont deny its 'romantic' but hmmm (dot dot dot). Its a poignant moment and i cant explain it. I 'miss' alot things. Its a feeling of yearning of sth..

Nonetheless..its a nice experience to eat mooncakes up there.. heez.

I've alot of stuff to update here so its gonna be quite a long post.

Few weeks ago i recd a call from TrueSpa for a complementary foot treat. Heee! Its FREE! My foot massage worth 90 bucks! o_0''' Wanted to take pics while treating my feet but better not.. anyway i manage to snap some shots secretly..

k lah..nice setting..abit tempting for newbies like me. But when comes to e package price of $2999. No NO! I cant afford it. Its more than an avg month's salary!

Next is s0me 'goodies' which are claimed to be tasty..let e makanguru try out~

Honglim hawker centre is famous for local delicacies..

The 'famous' fish soup stall.

The fish slices are real chunky and fresh. But e soup...hmm...abit bland for me. Overall i rate it ok lah.. so its not in my makanguru list.

Next is Newton food centre's 'goodies'..

The best Chicken rice..??

Hmmm, in my opinion its much better than those u find in hawkers and foodcourts.Juicy and smooth generally. It lacks abit of 'Oomph' though. So this is not in my makanguru list.

But this is of cos is power.. die die must see!
Check it out at Makanguru.

I cant resist when i saw this at wheelock! I was sent immediately to cloud 100!
ARRRRRRRHHHHHHH! Its a Blythe collection...Aaawww..so sweeet!

Must work damn hard to own one.


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