
Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Take it easy~

Whenever i step into a pharmacy to check for some facial products..i always kena this kinda shit! A few days ago also the same thing happened! Argh! I had enough! Ok, here is goes..i went to guardian pharmacy today to look for suitable cleansing lotions or make-up removers. Out of the blue..this lady approached me from nowhere and she started pointing at my chin!

I dont wanna explain the details..the scene is illustrated below:

You tell me lah..pissed off anot?? Thank goodness i'm in a neutral mood today..so i said to myself.."ok, this isnt the first time gal..take it easy and you'll get used to it." Its like rubbing salt into a raw wound loh. That is so irritating!!!
Well, her purpose is to promote her facial products to me while i was looking at other brands. But, its so duh~ as if i am not aware of my condition and is there a need to remind me about it? haiz......

Nvm...anyway i'm taking action liaoz...and i'll be back in perfect skin SOOON!



At 11:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alamak! I like ur graphics leh...makes me fall off my chair lafting....keke..normally i also meet these pple. I juz tell them I hate their prdts coz after trying, it gives me outbreaks?! which isnt true lah but they butt off..keke

At 10:49 PM , Blogger chii~ said...

very pek cek one u noe? isnt the first time i kena all these lo..haizz


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