
Thursday, August 04, 2005

Self disappointment

Argh!! Come to think of it, i felt kinda upset with myself. You know wat? I havent visit SSA for like close to 1/2 a year and for my monthly meetings, i MIA for months.. *hopeless* Better do sth abt it ar! Maybe some sunday i'll make a trip down to SSA to get some books AND to return their umbrella which i borrowed last year! =pppp

Infact i really wanna attend my monthly district meetings but the prob is its held on a saturday nite. Haiz.. i just cant bear to 'burn' it because of smurfie! Partly, we dont meet on weekdays so we make the best of our weekends. Not every weekend he's available so we dont wish to miss it. hmmmm~~ sadly he wont join me for meeting and i cant bear to let him wait downstairs yea? haiz...*lost*

hopefully somehow or rather things will turn out fine bah~


At 2:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

not only sat ve. if u want u can attend sun afternoons with me..u absolutely ve to make it 4 the fri rendezvous on 26/08 7.30pm at HQ! Its really going to b fun with all the songs..:)

At 8:51 PM , Blogger chii~ said...

argh!! friday nite i cant cos gotta help ma with hsework..else she'll kill me..=(


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