
Friday, December 29, 2006

Xmas special part 1: Food food glorious food!

A super outdated post but no worries part 2 will be out before 2007. Hee. We enjoyed our sumptuous meal at Moonfish Marina Sq before chrissy eve, jus in case it gets too crowded on eve itself. This is my chrissy gift to Smurf. =)

Enjoy~ *pix taken by sony ericsson in a gloomy corner, poor quality images* >_<''

Our drinks, Mango + Mixed fruits (orangy colour) and Tropicana. Its a promotional drink (one for one) which comes together with the christmas meal.

The Seafood Platter! Comes with calamaris, cheese sticks, soft shell crab and prawns. Plus a tomato and tartar sauce dip. I only took cheese sticks and 1/4 of other seafood lest i'll suffer a major outbreak. *resistance*

My meal~.. Chief Frederick's 5 star codfish with special spices. Fresh and smooth in texture which melts in the mouth. yummy. Spices for the extra taste but i pushed most aside cos its too saltish.

Smurf ordered Lobster and chicken pasta. The fresh lobster looked at me seductively and i nearly plunged myself to chew its juicy meat. Of cos i did, alittle bit. =) Spagetties tasted springy and smooth, a perfect combo!

Our dessert, Moonfish specialty Tiramisu. Very rich in coffee and rum. Smooth and tantalizing to the tastebuds. I suffered severe insomnia that very nite. =(

Stay tune for part 2!! More excitement and food coming up~!


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