
Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Being ME

The usual saying goes, life isnt a bed of roses. Duh~ Everyone knows this but how many will sit and ponder deeply? I am one of them. I dont like to shut an eye and move on thinking that the situation will turn for the better or tmr will be a better day kinda thing. Cos as long as the prob is not resolved, tmr will not be a better day. Face it.

Life gets so bad at a certain point of time till you jus wanna give up. Things jus dont fall into place and everything is screwed in your path. A sense of helplessness and demoralisation jus hit you on the face. Put it in layman's terms 'SO suay!' All the blame goes to one's poor luck. I used to think like way and tat was years ago. There's no justification and i'm not afraid to admit tt i've gained the wisdom to decide my path.

Courage is the driving force i need to take my first step ahead. It can be sth simple or natural to others but to me, it is a challenge. Sometimes i feel i can make it, sometimes i jus cant make it. haiz. I may provide constructive suggestions to pple but as for myself, i get sandwiched in my own world. Unable to break free. But i am trying hard for myself and for others.

I have difficulty approaching pple, be it a stranger or even a close friend. Words get stuck halfway and i end up blabbering nonsense. I jus cant get the message across and gradually i become a little anti-social. I rather be unnoticed yet at the same time i hope to be noticed. haiz. wats happening? Maybe i'm trapped too long in my little own world. I'm so happy in my comfort zone and just reluctant to step out. Not good. Something has to be done.

yupz.I shall start today, tommorrow or the day after and so on. Most imptly, my determination must remained unshaken in order to break free. This day shall come. =)


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