
Tuesday, November 28, 2006

New Look on my blog!

*throws confetti in the air*
Cheeeers! Its ONLY once a year when i change my blog skin. heez. Too lazy lah, very time consuming you know. But, i hope you guys will like this. =D

Hmmm xmas is coming..i have lots of stuff to get. Certainly, the world wld be a perfect place if i can have them as gifts. *dream on*

I always wanted a cammy of my own. Seriously, it sux to borrow from pple now and then or as and when u wish. I dont feel good. No choice wat, i've got no moolah to buy, wat to do? Wait lor..

i waited for a YEAR... i hope (must) buy one by Dec 06!heeez.

Ar! Such sweet pink..i'm eyeing on this for a LONG time..

New arrivals of Fie Japan accessories, the winter collection is mega-cool. Here are some of the necklaces and earrings i like.

That's all i can find from the website..there are more varieties at e outlets..

Not much diff from my bday wishlist.. i still wan a vintage kebaya. Unfortunately, i jus missed an equisite looking piece from the 1910s era with elaborate crochet designs. Argh! Some foreigners came and grabbed them during the IMF period.. Alamak!
So i shall wait then..

Last but not least..

Owning a Blythe doll is a mega-cool thing to me..hmmm...wat i see from my current situation..hmmmmmm..i shall wait again


At 9:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice change of design! ^_^

At 11:21 AM , Blogger chii~ said...

hee.. thank u you! =D
eh i like e blythe pic...so sweeet looking yea?

At 8:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

yup she's pretty but im so much in lurve with the cinema princess at the moment and will die if any1 in sg gets hold of that version of blythe! haha

At 10:03 PM , Blogger chii~ said...

which one is the cinema princess?

At 9:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

the cinema princess is the version wearing a tiara with blue flowing gown..ooooh her hair is a bright red with bangs...so pretty. haha

At 9:56 AM , Blogger chii~ said...

issit? wats e weblink? i go see...

At 2:37 PM , Blogger chii~ said...

oooohh... i noe which one le...red hair with a pretty blue gown rite? hee. yeah.. tat one is not bad... but super ex loh!

At 4:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

yup..it costs SGD600++ manz...haiz can only admire...haha

At 6:39 PM , Blogger chii~ said...

siaoz....so ex? ar...its limited edition mah.


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