My love for photography~ + Anyone reading my blog?
I decided to post 2 topics at one go! Realised that there aint any readers around huh? Take a look at my comments daily..all zero hero! One thing to highlight is i really put lots of effort (time + $$$ + transportation) for The Makanguru section. Well, all for the sake of sharing my love for food and the pleasure of eating so i hope you all can support 100% okie? Frankly speaking i dont wish to see it all gone down the drain.
Too busy with work nowadays that i hardly have the time to blog and load my tonnes of images. I took a break from work last friday..went traveling all over Singapore (partly lah) for some photo shoots..Oh i simply lurve this past time to bits. I can express certain moods thru my images or capture the 'feel' of that particular object. (watever it may be)
Food food food...its the best stress reliever! It makes me happy! =D Food photography requires some skill to look good. Mine is sub-standard but i'm working hard at it!
(all images taken with sony ericsson k750i)
My fav activity on saturday nights is to dig in a sushi platter at Ichiban Boshi (Esplanade br)..the cripsy lobster salad roll ($1.90) is one of my 'die die must order' dish. Cripsy on the outside and tangy inside! I cant stop eating for e next hour!
I went to Bedok Reservoir last friday noon to run some errands and to try out my fav wantan mee.

In the past, i used to join my parents every sunday mornings for breakfast + marketing at bedok. Each of us will order our usual breakfast, wantan mee ($2.00).Guess wat? We gotta wait for 1/2 hour due to its popularity among the bedok heartlanders! Glad to say..there aint any depreciation. Teehee! Superb!
I saw this exhitbition at Esplanade underpass, find it rather interesting..

This is one of my fav. Too bad, hp cams cant capture enough light..

This is taken at Orchard, outside Heeren building.

معلومات رهيبة ، شكرا جزيلا لكاتب المقال. انها مفهومة بالنسبة لي الآن ، وفعالية وأهمية هو المحير. أشكركم مرة أخرى وحظا سعيدا!
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