
Sunday, October 02, 2005

Freedom = misery

I'm free at last! Free from tt irritating workplace and faraway from those irritating worms tt used to bugged me all day. Its kinda contradicting though..i should be happy abt it but i dont seem to feel this way. Instead i am feeling a little down..why??

There's a big hole in my pocket! I NEED HARD $$$!

Not for spending *erm..partly huh?* but to save up for my studies commencing next Jan 06 and also for my altar enshrinment this month..haiz...help! I hope money drops out from the clear blue sky..yeah..i'm bullshitting here~

So just pray hard and hope that i'll get a job soon..Meanwhile i better brush up my adobe skills to past time, i lost every bit of it..so disappointing...nvm..i'll pick it up again.


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