
Friday, August 24, 2007


*phew* Part A of OTD is down.. i spent so much freaking time on this freaking assignment! =x its time for a mini break before the Part B comes. This time will be worst for me..haiz haiz haiz~

I'll be getting busier from now onwards so lesser updates but i'll try to update Makanguru whenever possible.Hee. A little note i would like to share is, i am so proud of myself despite my busy schedule tt i've successfully attended 2 byakuren meetings!*claps*

4th Sept is my first duty at ICA, really look forward to it but i'm alittle afraid, anyway jiayou! =D Shall wait for 8th Sept to enjoy my dinner at Rice Table and catching up with all my besties on the 9th! Yeah!

ok.. back to my WIL..


At 11:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

wah...2 bad sept 4 me wld be having my hols at BKK...happy duty on that day! ^_^

At 10:35 AM , Blogger chii~ said...

wat is bkk? haaa.. actualli i very kancheong on tat day leh.. lolz

At 9:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

BKK is bangkok my dear...u dun ve to worry so long as u r not the one having to bring the tray of water to the speakers on stage...LOL

At 9:28 PM , Blogger chii~ said...

hey.. i wanna go there manz... when ur back must update me on 'BKK' ar. or maybe i'll bombard u with qn.get souvenirs for me too.. muaahaah!=p


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