
Monday, May 21, 2007

I'm invisible and i'm gone from this world

I'm gone from this world..too many things happened recently till i'm mentally drained. The things i really dislike is no matter wat i do.. i do it for good but yet i'm totally disregarded. No matter how much effort i put in.. its ignored and unappreciated. People are just like orchids.. its not easy to understand and no matter how hard i try to.. i just fail to understand them.. i fail to provide their needs..i'm like a 'tryhard'..trying so darn hard for one thing.. in then end i'm invisible or they forgot totally wat i have did for them. As though i dont exist. I'm called as a 'think too much'.. you cant say i'm thinking too much when things obviously aint working in e first place. Pple will ask 'wats wrong'... but i cant feel their sincerity in their 'concern'. Just ask for the sake of asking and they dissppeared once i gave my reply. No matter how hard i try.. i just cant enter their world.. i cant reach out to them. Its just only 'themselves' who exist in their circle.. i am invisible. It wont make a difference if i am there anot. Even if i once did.. its short-lived and it will be forgotten after that. I dunno why. I jus dunno why. Is it i hadnt contribute enuff or i dint do enough? Will anyone be there for me when i need them? Will there be..? Its always 'ME' and 'THEM'.... Seriously i hate being invisible.. i dun mean being in a center of attention.. i jus wan you all to know tt i do exist.

Its pointless to write on..
and i wont post anything from now..
its jus.. wat for?


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