
Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Little mis-understood

I learned/grew up the hard way eversince in KC and gradually i became more sensitive towards even the tiniest change around me. There's one thing for sure, (i dont know why) i'm always being misunderstood by others. When i try to help and i wanna help.. others will say i'm being too nosey.. and i shd mind my own business. When i just sit and watch, others will say i'm a selfish cat and unhelpful. Its not that i dint lend my hand but you dint request for it and how am i supposed to noe u need my help?

'Be myself' seems too 'outdated' to me and simply not everyone in this world is gonna accept who you are. Cos at times you cant survive in this century for being you. Sometimes being nice is tough, how nice shd one be then its considered to be 'a very nice person'? So, the story goes: 'you may be nice to others but others need not be nice to you.' How true.

Can any kind soul gimme some expert advice? *lost*


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