
Sunday, January 07, 2007


Been feeling kinda low nowadays, maybe its due to the new sch term coming up this week. haiz..cant enjoy or sleep more. I begin to prefer a full time working life, at least there's a clear line between work or play. Another thing is i'm diagnose with osteoarthritis, partly due to my previous injury and of cos my lack of exercise. I gotta be on glucosamine for e time being =s To drown my sorrows, i've been eating alot recently.

The usual wantan mee stall i used to eat at since young. *e taste? alright lah~*

Another pretty orchid.. i jus bought it from a nursery at Mountbatten rd. Price wise is alittle steep but to me its worth it..jus looks like an oil painting. =) You cant find this kinda orchids at nearby florists, i dunno why. Guess i gotta control my expenditure on orchids, cos my ma forbids me to place them in e house, not even the balcony. Lame~ all becos she's paranoid of insects. So i gotta stack them outside and carry them into e wash area for their morning sunlight. Its troublesome but its my passion and i enjoy it. =)

See those newspapers articles?

Looks tasty..tried it today

Hmmm, I wont update this to Makanguru cos it lacks important ingredients. 'Kong Bak (sliced pork strips) and lard!' Without these two, it cant win my tastebuds over. Generally, the standard is there, seafood is fresh and noodles aint too soggy. If impt ingredients are added, it will certainly be in my guru list. Too bad~ anyway, its good for the health conscious.

Will be updating my next batch of foodie soon..somewhere next wk if possible?
I've got 3 new food list on my list! Take a peek!


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