
Sunday, November 16, 2008

new toy. new addiction.

Infact i wont bother to change my hp though there are many cool looking smartphones out there. I finally get myself a new hp cos my previous one was smashed terribly by accident. Tat time i did make e Iphone my first choice but hmmm...

ok. In e end, i settle for e HTC Diamond! Yeah! Abit not used to it but gradually i'm getting fine with it. =D

I love its sleekness, compact size, it looks glam, its beauty.
I hate e part i have to concentrate while SMSing. It makes me lose the keen interest of SMSing.

Next addiction other than Bleach is Claymore!

There may be some bits of blood and gore but still ok. This anime is simply irresistable and i cant stop catching up.

* Ive been working out lately which is pretty rare for pple like me. I ran at least 1km this week. Very lousy lah, well i'm a lousy runner to begin with. =s
I used to hate e shaggy half dead feeling after a long run but to keep my health in balance i gotta do it. Now i'm coping well. So i'm building myself up bit by bit cos i have e intention to participate e upcoming Std Chartd Run in Dec. Yup! I missed e Milkrun and GE run due to my lame excuses of busy schwork and all e crap. Now my health is screwed so I've been watching my meal intake tightly, infact i only consume a quarter of carbohydrates daily. Can be kinda sad cos i only can take a bite or at most a 1/4 of all sinful food.=s well, i'll get used to it soon. I will. A bite is better than 'none'. Dont u think? =)


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