
Saturday, August 16, 2008

The greater the adversity we encounter, the stronger we become. The more pressure we face, the more vigorous we become. That’s what it means to lionhearted.

Children of the lion
gazing steadily upon the future
you must know that those who are strong
are so because of ceaseless training

This training is to be found
in earnest effort.
And, just as the lion unleashes
his entire might,
whether the foe be great or small
so should you,
with sincere and untiring dedication,
challenge without fear or arrogance
every problem that stands before you.

Seriousness overcomes difficulties.
Seriousness makes the most of

A life of victory is to be had
through the steady accumulation
of victories won each day,
through total and unsparing effort.

~Sensei Ikeda


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