
Monday, November 10, 2008

A thank you post

Its the end of my school days and i dun think i'll prolly be studying anymore. Maybe i'll take up Japanese to plan for my next year's Japan trip. =) Maybe.

ok. 3 years had passed really fast and during this study period i've been thru alot, the ups and downs that has forced me to grow and develop. There's one person i wld like to thank in my heart. If i have not met her, i wldnt know how crappy/shitty i am. To be honest,i'm never fond of her from the start but think of it she is the mirror of my life and the catalyst for my personal growth.

My final yr schlife was enjoyable, i'm honoured to meet alot of nice pple in sch and i'll rememember them. I wont forget how we used to encourage and support one another during the stressful proj deadlines and exams!



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