
Sunday, January 14, 2007


- Tranquility -

A cold gloomy wet sunday. Usually i'll be outta house watching movies, shopping, pigging out or watever. Today, i'm vegetating at home, with tt unproductive mindset crawling in slowly. No mood to do anything. Maybe its e weather.
Tmr, Tues and all Thurs i'll be attending night classes, it sux. I hate night classes, it disrupts my sleep momentum. *I wanna take cabs back!* But i need to face this with high life condition, same applies to my new module. (=.=)
Sch life is hectic enough, personal life probs are pilling up too. I asked for it.


You said this to me, 'The closeness will never be bridged~.' Yah, i understd its meaning. But its hard to accept cos i once lost a friend for good. I dont want history to repeat. I dont want you to be the next. I just hope tt you'll be there. Be there for me. Always.


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