
Sunday, November 11, 2007

i give up

Motivation is important to keep us moving ahead and advance even further from where we are. Today is my 2nd attempt with choc fondant and i screwed it. I guess baking isnt my forte and another thing is i lack the passion. So i've decided to give up baking for good. I'll pass all the ingredients and utensils to Huimin who has more passion than me. Dont get the wrong idea that i'm those kinda person who gives up easily. I believe that the outcome isnt tat important, rather the importance lies in its process. If you dont enjoy the process of doing something, you just wont do a good job. I thought i can pick up another hobby, that is baking. But i didnt really enjoy the process, i made a huge mess and having to wash the utensils was a hassle. My hands hurt big time. Well, i would rather remain as a connoisseur of gastronomy instead. Then a conclusion came into my mind - nothing gets better than horticulture.


At 9:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

well i dun like to clean the utensils either so I rather eat and not know how to cook either. Haha!

At 11:29 AM , Blogger chii~ said...

haha. if the outcome is successful then maybe i wont mind cleaning utensils.. hee

At 11:29 AM , Blogger chii~ said...

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