
Friday, February 16, 2007

what is valentine's day?

Other than being a 'friendship day'..We all know its a special day for couples (generally) to enjoy themselves to the fullest. As for myself, i did the same with the mass..have a nicey dinner and exchange of gifts.. =.=

We had a 'grand' dinner at Prego's located at Raffles The Plaza. It's a bonus if you are a fan of italian cuisine.. being an asian food critic, i cant comment too much. Its rather tasty though.

Cosy dining interior..

We ordered seafood pizza.. i simply love its cheese and fresh prawns.. Once u've tried this, you can proudly say Pizza hut sux.

Awww...the codfish tasted really fresh and juicy.. every bite had this oozing sweet sauce.. as for the soft shell crab behind.. no comments cos i cant take crabs. Well, i jus prefer tempura softshell crab. =x

Seafood pasta.. i love its tomato sauce. Smells and taste nice...=p

Its satisfying so far but not enough for me to crave for it..I wont go back again, too expensive for common folks like me.. another thing is i dun noe how to appreciate italian food.

To me, its nice to celeb vday on its actual day...well your are enjoying the right atmosphere. We celebrated ours in advance on a saturday becos he felt tt its more personalised. hmmmm....~ in exhanged he got his fav mint flavoured choc cubes and my surprise gift was a Leonard Drake's facial voucher...hmmmm..~

Very practical indeed.

Honestly speaking, its not exactly wat i wanted. On special days like valentine's, i hope to recd flowers or maybe some sweet surprises. I am telling a fat lie if i said i dun wan these.. hello~ which gal will reject flowers?? After sometime, i gradually became retard to e meaning of 'romance'... it has been erased from my dictionary with the dreadful 'practical' word. Apparently, to him being practical is more impt tt being romantic. Haiz...i am feeling so romantically-deprived. =.=


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